How to Transform FAILURE into CONFIDENCE in English

It isn't that we don't fail. It's that we don't always see the lessons. Especially in the midst of our difficulties, we have the tendency to look at ourselves in a very poor light, and to think that no one else understands what we are going through, that we are alone, while others live their happy, highly successful lives.
In reality, we all have difficulties, and in that way, paradoxically, even when we feel alone, we are in fact going through something that every human being experiences: discomfort, difficulty and failure.
Failure is not something we enjoy, and yet it is extremely precious.
About two years ago, I was able to create the pilot for an ongoing English training program, Confident English Training, for professionals who want to improve and polish their English language skills in a more autonomous way, while still having access to live Coaching calls and mindfulness practice sessions, as well as a supportive community of like-minded people.
And while there are now sufficient favourable conditions for this endeavour (noun: an attempt to achieve a goal) to be successful, it isn't the first time I've tried to be an entrepreneur! Over the past 15 years, I've tried - and FAILED - to join the business world more than once.
So join me for the story of a bumpy ride across 4 cities and 2 continents, back and forth, not once, but twice, between marine insurance consultant and teacher of English as a foreign language to adults, and then towards - finally - becoming a business owner and entrepreneur.

P.S. Are you READY to become more confident and successful in English? Confident English Training is an ongoing opportunity for you to make the internal shifts that lead to confidence, spontaneity and fluency in English. Book a call to find out more.


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