
Showing posts from 2022

Try THIS morning routine to FEEL GOOD about Your English (and Life)!

Have you heard of The Tortoise (a kind of turtle) and the Hare (a wild rabbit) parable? The moral of the story is that being in a hurry, with a "win, win, win!" mentality, only leads to exhaustion, fatigue, burn out, and ultimately, great loss, because it isn't only the race that the hare loses, it's the utter delight of the journey itself, that is, she loses in every way, really, because all we have is a (relatively) short life to ENJOY as best we can. (Yes, let's make the tortoise and the hare female today, just for fun, because we're referring to human nature, and not to male or female characteristics). Becoming more confident and fluent in English is also a journey that we can enjoy deeply, as we notice our progress along the way and feel more and more able and adventurous to explore and expand our horizons, both personally and professionally. While the hare is constantly thinking about her opponent and how to out-smart her, the tortoise is never worried o

How to Transform FAILURE into CONFIDENCE in English

It isn't that we don't fail. It's that we don't always see the lessons. Especially in the midst of our difficulties, we have the tendency to look at ourselves in a very poor light, and to think that no one else understands what we are going through, that we are alone, while others live their happy, highly successful lives. In reality, we all have difficulties, and in that way, paradoxically, even when we feel alone, we are in fact going through something that every human being experiences: discomfort, difficulty and failure. Failure is not something we enjoy, and yet it is extremely precious. About two years ago, I was able to create the pilot for an ongoing English training program, Confident English Training, for professionals who want to improve and polish their English language skills in a more autonomous way, while still having access to live Coaching calls and mindfulness practice sessions, as well as a supportive community of like-minded people. And while there a

The Vertical Dimension for Confident and Fluent English

Has this been a busy and productive time of the year for you too? I've noticed that whenever I'm actively and happily engaged in whatever I do, as I have been over the last couple of months, with the English training programme I created and run, together with the Inner MBA I'm taking, that there's a kind of momentum I become aware of, and even in the midst of all the hustle and bustle (a large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding), I'm able to appreciate all the wonderful things that are going on. But if it were easy to create and run the business of an ongoing English training programme, while taking an MBA, working on my competence in Portuguese, as well as balancing all the other aspects of my life with a fair degree of humour and joy, then everyone would have their own programme and business! So when clients approach me and tell me about their feelings of insecurity, lack of confidence and inability to speak fluently in English, and how ch

How to Improve Your Business English - An Interview at the British Chamber of Commerce

What a pleasure it was to meet up with Laura Atkinson , Manager of the Commercial Section at the British Chamber of Commerce Mexico, to talk about what the Chamber does, and how it helps businesses thrive and flourish through connecting and bringing people together. See you again in the next Chamber event, Laura! Many of my clients are involved in international business, and although they're highly skilled and competent professionals, they report feeling uncertain and worried about expressing themselves in English within business settings.   Here are some of the most common messages I hear: - "I don't know where to practise the English I need" - "I can introduce myself and say what I do, but after that, I find it intimidating and embarrassing to keep a conversation going" - "I get stuck whenever I speak in English, I can't find the words, and it makes me feel frustrated and ashamed" - "I want to feel free in English, I just want to be myse

A Halloween and Day of the Dead Vocabulary Lesson

It's All Saints' Day today, 1st of November, and tomorrow is All Souls' Day around the world and Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, here in Mexico where I live. It was Halloween last night, on the 31st of October. This time of year is always so evocative and mystical, wouldn't you agree? It's the autumnal equinox, one of the two times of year when daytime and nighttime hours are of equal length. From now on, and through the winter months, days will be shorter, and nights longer. In this week's video, join me as we explore this wonderful time of the year: a time for introspection and reflection, a time of colour, stillness, and beauty. A time for connection with ancient traditions and with our ancestors. WATCH HERE: A Halloween and Day of the Dead Vocabulary Lesson P.S. Amazing how quickly time goes by. Are you ready to be productive and to put your time and resources to good use during this plentiful and bountiful time of year? Perhaps you've been postponi

Confident and Fluent English with This ONE Top Tip

A couple of weeks ago I had one of those amazing "A-ha!" moments, an insight, an experience that gave me the idea for this week's video. Please enjoy as I share an all new top tip to practise English in real-life, authentic situations right where you are.  WATCH HERE: P.S. Looking for more motivation and inspiration? My signature programme,  Confident English Training , can help. Be adventurous, and  book a call  to find out how. You never know until you try! Speak soon!

How to Use Chunking for Confident and Fluent English

Incorrect chunking in English can create a lot of confusion and frustration for learners! A little story for you.  During my very first week at university (I studied English Language and Literature), one of the teachers walked in, set his books on the teacher's desk, turned to face us and said: "Tell me: what do you think you're going to learn during these next 4 years?" Several students raised their hands and he addressed them one by one. "I'm going to learn how to speak English better", said one.  "I'm going to be a professional English/Spanish translator", answered another. "I'm going to become a more cultured person". "I'm going to be an English teacher".  That wasn't me, by the way. Never in a million years, at that time, did I think I'd become an English teacher. "I'm going to write a novel", was my reply. But I haven't written it yet. Anyway, the answers kept coming, and the teach

How to Read Phonemic Script - and Why It's Useful to Know!

One of the areas of English that causes most stress and anxiety for many of my students is its  pronunciation. While some languages are phonetic by nature (like Spanish, Russian and Korean, for example), which means that there is a direct correlation between how it's written and the way it sounds when it is spoken, English is not a phonetic language, and so it’s natural to feel insecure about how to speak it. Does this sound like you at all? If so, what can you do to improve your understanding of English pronunciation? Join me as we explore the sounds of English and how you can teach yourself (very easily!) how to "read" English pronunciation. Becoming familiar with the phonemic chart and the different sounds we produce in English can make a huge difference to your pronunciation! LEARN HOW TO READ PHONEMIC SCRIPT - AND WHY IT'S USEFUL TO KNOW! P.S. And if you'd like to receive ongoing feedback on your pronunciation and join a growing community of like-minded indiv

How is Suffering Good for You? English Vocabulary on How to Support Your...

Over these past couple of weeks the world has witnessed an outpouring of a wide range of deep emotions as the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II was broadcast on 8th September and "Operation London Bridge" was set into motion. Perhaps you wonder how you would express your condolences to someone who has just suffered a loss, or perhaps you yourself have recently experienced some degree of pain and suffering. What language do we use to describe these difficult moments, and how can we manage our difficulties more skillfully? The main focus of many English teachers and institutions is to make sure that you, the learner and client, "has fun". It's all about entertainment, and ensuring you don't get bored or find anything too challenging. But is this really conducive to real learning and language development? Whereas it's true that if it's tremendously difficult you might be tempted to give up, it's also true that becoming proficient at anything

🔴 LIVE Masterclass - A Holistic Path to Confident English

🔴 LIVE Masterclass - A Holistic Path to Confident English Tuesday, 13 September 2022 10 AM (Central Standard Time)   Register here:   Becoming more proficient in English is a fascinating process, and I am always amazed and thrilled to witness my clients becoming increasingly fluent, confident and articulate, and better able to communicate their ideas clearly and eloquently. I am so excited to be sharing a holistic and proven framework for conscious language skills development that you could begin implementing - with help and support - immediately. Beyond strategies, tools and techniques, becoming more proficient in English requires training and practice within ourselves first.  Language is not just the grammar and vocabulary we learn with our thinking mind. Looking more deeply, we see that it is through language that we translate and communicate our experience and understanding of the world, to ourselves and to others.  Language doesn't need

🔴 LIVE Masterclass - Confident English in 3 Simple Steps

Are you READY for a   FREE and   LIVE   Masterclass on how to be more confident in English?  LIVE English Masterclass: CONFIDENT ENGLISH IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS on: SUNDAY, 28 AUGUST AT 10 AM (Central Standard Time) This class will fill up soon, so make sure you grab your seat fast! REGISTER NOW! This Masterclass is FOR YOU if:  you have a serious aspiration to use English fluently and confidently for personal, professional and/or academic purposes  you want to learn how to be a more independent and effective learner  you feel anxious, apprehensive or frustrated whenever you need to use English  you're an experienced professional who has been struggling with English for a long time  you want to form part of a like-minded and supportive English-speaking community  you enjoy using English, not only for functional or practical purposes, but to express your thoughts, ideas and experiences as well.  you're looking for a simple roadmap to take you down a wonderful and enjoyable learning pa

Talk about Gender Equality - English Vocabulary

More and more of my students and clients are expressing interest in global issues. While it is true that many people are still caught up or trapped in daily routines, worries, concerns, plans or different forms of entertainment, distraction or consumption, it is also the case that there is growing awareness and more attention being paid to matters of deep concern for everyone, men and women alike, such as climate change, social justice, conflict resolution and gender equality. We might think that as long as we are happy, then that's all that matters! But in the words of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, "happiness is not an individual matter." We human beings are social creatures, we need each other to survive and thrive. We know that when we bring happiness to another, it is not only that person who benefits. Our own happiness is greatly increased when we are able to help. His Holiness The Dalai Lama says, "If you would like to be selfish, you should do it in a very intel

Top 5 Life-Changing Books for Improved Mental Health and Well-Being

Our well-being and good mental health are absolutely fundamental for a happy, constructive and productive life, and yet many of us assume that we're fine, we're OK, while in fact we are worried, stressed and overwhelmed much of the time by the challenges we have to face every day. In today's video I share my 5 MUST-READ, LIFE-CHANGING books to enhance and improve our quality of life through cultivating positive mental health and giving our well-being top priority! P.S. Discover the  ONE programme  that will help you reach your highest English potential.  P.P.S. THE CONFIDENT ENGLISH TRAINING PROGRAMME is OPEN! Schedule a  FREE Consultation  to see if we're a good fit! (serious applicants only). Speak soon!

Speak Clearly and Fluently about How Food and Climate Change Are Related...

A few food-related questions for you: When was the last time you had a mouth-watering meal ? What makes a decent meal , in your view? Where do people on a plant-based diet get protein /ˈprəʊtiːn/ from? In today's video, we'll be exploring the fascinating topic of what a rich and varied diet consists of, not only because it's healthy for our body, but also food for the soul , that is, the things in life that feed our heart and soul and bring deep happiness, including being more aware of what we consume and making informed decisions, instead of living our lives on autopilot. P.S. Language isn't just about grammar and vocabulary, it's about expressing your ideas, knowledge and experience . If you're looking to become fluent and articulate in English in such a way that you can join any conversation that you find interesting and interact in a clear and insightful way, book a FREE Consultation call to speak about where you are with your English now, and where you&