Try THIS morning routine to FEEL GOOD about Your English (and Life)!

Have you heard of The Tortoise (a kind of turtle) and the Hare (a wild rabbit) parable?
The moral of the story is that being in a hurry, with a "win, win, win!" mentality, only leads to exhaustion, fatigue, burn out, and ultimately, great loss, because it isn't only the race that the hare loses, it's the utter delight of the journey itself, that is, she loses in every way, really, because all we have is a (relatively) short life to ENJOY as best we can. (Yes, let's make the tortoise and the hare female today, just for fun, because we're referring to human nature, and not to male or female characteristics).
Becoming more confident and fluent in English is also a journey that we can enjoy deeply, as we notice our progress along the way and feel more and more able and adventurous to explore and expand our horizons, both personally and professionally.
While the hare is constantly thinking about her opponent and how to out-smart her, the tortoise is never worried or concerned about her competitor! She just focuses on what she's doing, and she does the best she can with the set of skills that she has. The reader never sees the tortoise thinking about the finish line, or getting to the end of the race, or winning.
About a decade ago, I also came to the realisation that, paradoxically, if I SLOW DOWN, I'll have MORE time. I'm not sure how it works (the mystery of quantum physics!), but ever since I decided to start my morning slowly, gently, and kindly towards myself, the way I see the world has changed for the better in every possible way, and this has resulted in great appreciation and joy. So join me for my slow and easy morning routine, and see how incorporating any of its elements into your everyday life can also bring much happiness, calm and understanding, which are the very qualities we need to build confidence in our English, and in ourselves.
P.S. This is the LAST CALL to start making progress with your English from the inside out, with deep enjoyment and appreciation of the process, still this year. Jump in to learn how to close 2022 with gratitude, intention and purpose.
Speak soon!


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