Wisdom for Confident and Fluent English in 1 Year - Week 1
I'm very excited to announce the beginning of a BRAND NEW, 52-week series on my YouTube channel to help you truly improve your English language skills from the inside out.
I've called it Wisdom for Confident and Fluent English in 1 Year and this is Week 1 (W1)!
To say that a 52-week series on YouTube is a big challenge would be a huge understatement.
There are very productive people out there who are able to produce 3 or more videos per week. I'm not one of them! And that's OK, it's good to acknowledge and accept one's own limitations, because we know that things change, and that we can learn and become more skillful (however slowly) at whatever we set our minds to (an idiom, meaning to be determined to do something), including becoming confident and fluent in English!
One of the characteristics of language learning as adults is that language itself is content-free, while the structure (grammar and vocabulary) is taught through generic topics like "lifestyle", "work", "technology", "holidays", and so on.
This is ideal for beginners and pre-intermediate level learners who need to understand the basics, but once a certain level of independence has been gained, further learning and mastery is much more likely to take place through topics of interest for the learner.
I know this because I've taken my Portuguese skills from stumbling (insecure) and feeble (weak) to fluent and confident through (among many other strategies I share in my program) joining a group of mindfulness practitioners based mainly in Rio de Janeiro.
Mindfulness is a practice that has helped me immeasurably. It is secular and simple. It's something I relate to and understand, and through which we can all become more skillful at whatever we do. There are many ways of learning English: through literature, story-telling, music and movies, for example. My program and YouTube channel are about developing confidence and fluency in English through mindfulness practices, to help bring calm, understanding and joy to your acquisition (that's the way you learn it). Effective acquisition naturally results in confident and fluent English within your own personal context and for whatever use you want or need it.
Too good to be true? Bring determination and commitment, and my program will support you with the rest. Now is a great time to find out more.
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