It's Never Too Late to...
How would you complete the phrase, "It's never too late to..."?
Here are some common ways of using this idiomatic expression in English:
It's never too late to...
start again
get back on track
rewrite your own story
reinvent yourself
start something new
do the right thing
reconnect with someone
make new friends
fall in love
Is there anything you need or want to start again or get back on track with?
Perhaps you've been intending to dust off (bring out or back into use again) your English skills and get them up to par (to the expected level of quality) for your current undertakings (tasks, projects, efforts, activities) and endeavours (/ɪnˈdevə(r)z/ an attempt to achieve a goal), but might not have found an adaptable and flexible method that suits your specific needs yet.
If you've already reached an intermediate (B1) level and would like to continue developing your language skills by integrating and using English genuinely in your everyday life, my program provides you with all the necessary guidance, coaching and equipment you need to move from where you are right now, to feeling confident, fluent and relaxed as you communicate and interact more and more freely in English in social and professional settings.
Even if you don't have anyone to practise with, or you're very busy and unable to make "extra time" for English, if you're serious about wanting to use it more efficiently and effectively, I can help you with that.
Click here to apply and see if you qualify for a place in my program and we can discuss how to get you the results you want.
See you on zoom!
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