How to Concentrate for More Confident and Fluent English - it's NOT What...

Do you remember anything your parents repeated to you often when you were a child?
Mine always used to say, "Never say I can't!", whenever I wanted to give up or stop trying. Their "never say I can't!" forced to me look for alternatives, to be flexible in my thinking, and I'm very grateful to them for that.
Some other ways of expressing our determination include:
Where there's a will, there's a way
I will not rest until...
There's no stopping me from...
I'll (whatever it is), if it's the last thing I do! 馃槀
I won't take "no" for an answer
Wild horses couldn't stop me from...
When we're determined to do something, such as become more confident and fluent in English, but we're confronted by doubt, anxiety, resistance, reluctance, discomfort or even displeasure, the best way forward is to stop and see how we can shift our perspective.
This week's video talks about just that: how to tap into and become aligned with the power of the universe to help you with your English.
What do you understand by the word "concentration"?

And remember that my signature program specialises in bringing more openness, enjoyment and adaptability to your understanding of language learning itself for more confident and effective communication. Find out more here.


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