How to Manage Distraction - Wisdom for Confident and Fluent English in 1...

Once, during a friend's birthday party at a small restaurant with live music, I was invited to go up on stage and sing, karaoke style.

Bravely, I accepted the challenge, took a few steps towards the microphone and faced the audience of two or three tables. My first thought was, "Oh dear, this is a mistake, I shouldn't be here", closely followed by, "This feels very different from a classroom, where I'm very happy to speak and share what I know."

Then the music started and I began to sing, but no one could hear me! I tested the microphone and saw that it was in perfect working order, so I tried again: "Lalaaaaa!" And again, "LaLAAAAAA!"


It was as if my voice were just air and the microphone couldn't capture it. Embarrassed, I sat back down, and someone else from the table covered for me, a friend who sings in a choir. She stood up, took the microphone and belted her heart out! (informal - to sing very loudly and with enthusiasm). Her voice was so loud, clear and powerful! It made me think about the importance of practising using our voice.

A great way of doing this if you're looking to become more confident and fluent in English is by reading out loud, especially short texts that are read by someone who is modelling the natural rhythm, pace, stress and pronunciation of English for you. All you need to do is follow along. And if the text itself contains a beautiful and helpful message, it's a win - win - WIN!

TRY reading out loud with this week's video, all about dealing with distraction when trying to make progress with English. There's also a joke, a personal anecdote, and some grammar: what's the difference between the past simple, the present perfect and the present simple?

✨Comment with your thoughts! ✨

See you in the comments section in YouTube!

P.S. If you can see that language is more than a tool we use to communicate information, if you want to go deeper with your English and incorporate it more fully, my ongoing English training program is open for registration. All you need to do is pluck up the courage (make an effort to do something that frightens you) and book a Consultation call.

#freefromdistraction #mindfulenglishlearning #teachertanyameyer


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