Happy New Year!


Let's start by talking about intention first.

Dawn is a great time to reflect upon and lay out one's intentions for the day, and what better time than the dawning of a brand New Year to set out one's intentions for the 12 months ahead.

So what are my aspirations for 2017?

Well - basically - more of the same, really - please 馃槉

By this I mean:

1) More teaching - not in quantity but in continuation. I love my job 馃挅

2) More practising - sitting, walking, eating - more integration of the practice into my life overall - P.S. more kindness 馃檹

2) More sharing - here I do mean quantity, hence this brand new blog. I want to share more about Mindfulness 馃挀馃挄馃挆馃挐 - in the classroom and in life. Hopefully, you'll be drawn to contribute with comments and ideas on how I can put this aspiration into action more effectively 馃槉

3) More cooking delicious, cruelty-free vegan food 馃槏

4) More cycling - healthy body, healthy mind 馃挌

5) More walking and enjoying Sashi's company 馃挄馃挋馃挏

6) More reflection and processing, hence this brand new blog 馃槉

7) More rest, feeling at ease, contemplating and enjoying silence and stillness 馃挒

8) But also, more social activity with like-minded people 馃挓馃挆馃檹

This is cheating, but I'm adding a number (9) and (10) after publishing (and upon reflection - see? working already):

9) More acceptance - please may I take every opportunity to practise humility this year

10) More transformation - whatever this means 馃槆

What about you? Please add a comment below with your aspirations for 2017 - would love to hear from you 馃挰馃槉


  1. Just testing to see if the comments section works - I've signed out and want to see what it would be like if someone kindly decided to drop a line... let's see what happens next, here's hoping it's straightforward - well... not as straightforward as I'd hoped... you need to select squares if any apply to the criteria, but don't be put off, please - go ahead and share your thoughts! :-)

  2. Thank you Tanya for your blog! You asked about our intentions as readers - well my intention for this year is to nurture an open mind. Last year there was both darkness and light, both in the world and in my family circle. My deeply beloved dad left us on the day of the summer solstice, at the full moon. Later in the year we celebrated my eldest son's marriage. I have worked a lot in my spare time with helping refugees in difficult circumstances, so much that in this new year I must also promise myself to find enough space for stillness and rest.

    I am glad to be in touch with you, Tanya - just to see a photo of your lovely face is inspiring!

    Here in Sweden light is slowly returning in the darkest period of the year. Today we can see the sun, and the ground is sprinkled with a little snow. Lots of love to you and my warmest best wishes for this new year!

    Thank you, Tanya!

    Marie in Sweden

    1. Hello Marie, thank you so much for commenting - it had to be you! :-) You were the very first person I spoke with upon arrival at the train station in Bordeaux, while we waited to be picked up, and the last person too - back at Bordeaux a week later, giving the whole experience a happy, heartfelt closure - thank you!

      Wow, sounds like it was a busy year for you.

      So very sorry to hear about your father... thank you for sharing and hope you're OK...

      What it must be like for a mother when her eldest son marries - I can only imagine. So many emotions... I went to the wedding of a dear cousin's eldest daughter in August - such a sense of pride and joy and hope.

      Yes, rest is good. There was much spacefor rest at Plum Village - I remember that, and I remember enjoying finding a spot under a tree to just lie down under and look up at the sky.

      Happy New Year to you too! All the best <3

    2. Thanks, Tanya,

      I am so glad that we are still in touch!


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  5. First of all, thanks for creating this blog and sharing a bit of your aspirations, I'm sure that it will spread mindfulness and will also make others be willing to do the same!

    Since your talk, I must say, I started to believe that there is always more than a way to accept every thing that happens in our sorroundings, and also, to find ways to deal with all the things we live every day at home or at work.

    I would like to share just a couple of intentions (and some others, decisions) I have thought deeply at the moment:

    1. I've decided to be a more reflective teacher and teacher trainer in constant learning.
    2. More reading for pleasure, my mind needs it!
    3. Let negativity be apart from me and the things I wanna do, I wanna take risks, learn from my mistakes!
    4. More healthy food, there is no a specific age to start to look after myself's health!
    5. More enjoyment of free time, studying is essential to me, but enjoying personal life must be too!

    Dear Tanya,
    Many thanks, again, for being into mindfulness and encouraging others to seek mindfulness too!

    Many thanks for your your teachings last year, I'm sure I will continue learning from you in the distance!

    You're AWESOME!

    All the best,

    1. Hello Omar! Lovely to hear from you, thank you so much for your kind words and for adding your resolutions - they sound great, by the way. I like it that you want to take risks and learn from your mistakes. My teacher talks about "making good use of suffering". May 2017 be all you hope for and more. All the best!

    2. Making good use of suffering sounds good! Abrazo!

  6. Humility and being right sized. But planning a little to avoid being destitute in my old age is in order

    1. Haha, yes - didn't include getting pension plan together but it's there, as a seed I definitely want to take care of and make sure is receiving sufficient light and water - thanks for the reminder!


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